Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hold that thought... these CUTE and sassy notebooks! I am a complete and total sucker for notebooks and journals. I love how they can be so simple and beautiful at the same time. I love having my own haven for thoughts and creativity - a blog is awesome, but there is just something so special about good 'ol pen and paper. The creative possibilities of a journal are endless. And this time of year is perfect to bring out the fun and sassy prints. The ones above and below are on sale at Vera Bradley's website for $12 down from $15.

These cute little buttons of a notebook are only $11
I absolutely adore these "classic wallpaper" notebooks from Cole & Son. I love their wallpapers and I love this new line they have. They sell notebooks, addressbooks and notecards. You can find their stuff at retrotogo and a few pieces at Target!

Aren't these prints so fun?! Next up will have to be SHOESSS with fun and sassy prints. Ooohh exciting.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. I love the Cole & Son wallpaper prints. I am constantly using notebooks like this for a journal or just to carry around if I need a sheet of paper. I'll have to check out the Vera website too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the Vera notebooks/journals. They look so nice.

  3. Soooo pretty!! I have a Vera Bradly overnight bag and umbrella that I got for Christmas and am now just OBSESSED!! Thanks for the SALE info:)

  4. Cute blog!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. I am a sucker for notebooks and journals too! These are too cute! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh I just love those Vera notebooks! Such cute patterns.

  7. Just stumbled on your blog...super cute! I buy so many journals and never use the. Though, I'm sure I'll need them someday! ;)

  8. Ooh I love pretty notebooks, thanks for the post, I'm going to get some!

  9. Thanks for comming by my blog.
    I love all the foodie recipes on your blog...Yum!

  10. Cute blog! Thanks for stopping by mine!

    Thanks for the heads up on the cute notebooks I can find at Tar-jay, too!

  11. These notebooks are too cute! Love it... but until the economy picks up, I'm sticking to my Corporate Express brand notepad... boring!

    Cowgirl in the City,

  12. ooh I can't believe those Vera notebooks are on sale!! How exciting! Thanks for the info

  13. I have the 2nd Vera Agenda that you pictured in this post. It was a gift from my sister and I love love love it!

  14. I LOVE the Vera journals/planners, etc. They had a blue owl print I SO wanted, but I couldn't see paying $25 bucks for it :( Although I usually don't have a problem spending my money. LOL Just trying to be "frugal"...although..I'm not sure I know what that word means. :)
