Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Last night I nearly had a heart attack.

I was in the kitchen getting things ready to cook dinner. Any time I chop up onions, or anything else smelly, I always take off my wedding and engagement rings and put them in a specific spot on the counter so they won't get all messy. I, like every girl, am head over heels in love with these two pieces of jewelry. I still find myself getting into near auto accidents because I'm staring at them (partially kidding). Last night I took them off and was on my way to putting them in their spot when I realized my pot on the stove was spewing water all over the place. I set my rings quickly on the bar and started to run over to the pot. And that's when it happened. It was like out of a movie. I set them down so quickly and must have knocked my engagment ring while I was turning around - I watched it in slow motion go tumbling down the drain. OH.MY.GOSH. Okay, I told myself not to panic yet. I put my hand down the drain and started pulling out every single thing I could feel. I know, ew. This is our disposal too, so I knew the holes weren't THAT big because other wise we wouldn't have to use the disposal as much as we do to get food to go down. I think a good, solid five minutes went by and I still hadn't found ANYTHING that resembled my precious ring. The tears started flowing. I called my husband hysterical asking him if he was almost home (he was actually in our driveway), and the poor guy couldn't understand anything I was saying. I have never seen him run into the kitchen like that - he thought he was going to find me on the kitchen floor dying! All I could think was, "Okay God, if You're trying to teach me a lesson here on material possesions, I get the picture. It's just a ring. But it is still SO special to me and I would REALLY like to still have it!" Before my husband got ready to take the sink apart I put my hand back down the drain and suddenly felt something hard. I prayed so hard that I had fount it. I pulled it out, saw it was my ring and then nearly fainted. I had really come to the point where I thought I would have to accept that it was gone. It was honestly the biggest feeling of relief. I've only been able to wear both of these rings for a little over a year and a half and I really want to have them on my finger for a WHOLE lot longer. My stomach was down at my feet. I hugged him and cried and he laughed and just told me how thankful he was that it was only my ring that something happened to and not me. He had a much better perspective on the whole situation than I did. He picked out my engagement ring ALL BY HIMSELF, without knowing anything about my desire for what I wanted in a ring or asking my mom's, sisters', or girlfriends' advice. It is so special to me and I am so so SO thankful that I have it on my finger today!! I don't think I'll care if my rings smell like onions again, they are STAYING PUT. If I hadn't noticed that my ring fell, I know I would have turned the disposal on a few minutes later while I was chopping everything. I am so thankful that God blessed me in allowing me to find it and still have it. Thank you, Lord!

WHEW! Have you ever lost a piece of jewelry that is incredibly special to you?? I think that must be one of the hardest things to accept. Knowing that God knows exactly where it is, but you don't!

~ In other news! ~

Little Woman, Little Home gave me the Cute Blogger Award and I couldn't be more grateful! Thank you SO much!! It's always an honor and makes me feel good when someone likes my little blog world!

Also, Miss Jody tagged me in this fun picture game:

1. Go to your desktop and in your file folder for pictures, pick the 6th folder with the 6th picture.
2. Tell a story about that picture.
3. Tag 5 others and pass it on. Make sure you let your 5 know!

My sixth file folder for pictures happens to be the fam folder. Here's a pic of my nephew, B, when I think he was about 2. He's now four and has changed SO much!! I'll have to do a post soon on B and his sister A, my lovie and oldest neice. These lovebugs of mine live in TX.
I tag:
Hope everyone has a fabulous Wednesday!


  1. So glad you recovered your ring!!!!! I'm still crazy about my engagement and wedding ring too! They are so pretty, and I love what they represent!

  2. Oh dear heavens, I almost had a heart attack just reading about you almost losing your ring! I couldn't imagine how I would feel if I lost mine; it means SO much to me. Thank Jesus you found it!

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment and for tagging me for the picture thing! How fun! I'll have to wait till I get home to do it cause I don't have many pictures on my work computer but I can't wait to see what picture it ends up being! Knowing me it'll be something completely random, like some clouds or something.

  3. Oh my gosh how scary!! I would have flipped out, too. I'm so very glad you found it. I have started keeping a cute little dish on the windowsill in my kitchen and when I am rolling out dough or something that will get into my diamonds, I put my rings in there. I don't know if it is any safer, but it makes me feel better than just leaving them on the counter!

  4. Oh my gosh. I was so stressed just reading that! I am so glad that you have your ring back safe and sound. While it is just a 'material' thing it means so much to you!
    I am always afraid something like this is going to happen to me. For the first 6 months after I got engaged I carried my ring box around with me and anytime I took my ring off I would put it in the box. Haha. I'm not that paranoid anymore!

  5. Oh my goodness that is like one my worst fears. I'm so happy that you got your ring back!

  6. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you found it! I know this feeling, the day after we got married we're on the plane to Hawaii and Garth's fingers swelled so he put his ring on his pinky, fell asleep and when he woke up the ring was gone. We FREAKED out, er, I freaked out. But, thank the Lord, it had fallen into his backpack! So we still have his ring too!

  7. Just reading this had me completely stressed out for you! I'm so glad you found it! Even though it is a material thing, it represents so much more! I would be completely devastated if something ever happened to my rings! Thank the Lord you found your ring!!!

  8. Your blog is too cute! I'm so glad you recovered your ring. I lost my engagement ring after a long night out a few months before I got married. I didn't realize it was gone until I got home. I swore my dog had eaten it. I called my then fiance at the hospital and insisted that I bring the dog in for an xray! The next morning I found my front yard!! It was big to start with and it must have been so cold outside that it had slipped off my finger. It was a miracle! Hope you're having a good day!

  9. Thanks for the TAG. I lost the first gift my husband ever gave me...Tiffany silver cross necklace. I thought I lost it at my brother-in-law's house and it wasn't there. Then a month later my sister-in-law calls me to tell me that she found my necklace. Their cats had must of gotten a hold of it and carried it around their house. Thankfully I got it back in perfect condition.

  10. I would have stroked out for sure!! I'm so happy you found it!

  11. Well actually - I HAVE!! The very first piece of jewelry that McStudly has ever given me, in fact. It was Christmas - we had ben together for a little under a year and he gave me this amazing heart shaped necklace with diamonds (everyone probably has a similar looking one, but this held SO much sentimental value for me!). Well, I wore it ALL the time... to the point where the clasp kind've started acting up. Then... I wore it to church one Sunday and in the middle of the music portion, just happened to touch near my neck and realized it was G-O-N-E!!!

    Talk abotu bad timing for realizing a sentimental piece of jewelry was missing. BUT alas, it was in my car - between the seat and the door. I didn't find it for 3, count 'em - 3 DAYS!! I thought it was lost forever and I was heartbroken!!

    I feel your pai, my dear, AND that huge-mongous sigh of relief!!

    PS: I'm glad you got something out of the serious pill blog. It was SUCH a big eye-opener for me becuase (maybe I'm the only one) I tend to believe, for some reason, that anyone famous has the amazing confidence and perfection about them. It's totally awesome to see the real side of things for once, especially from the perspective of an artist that I already greatly admire!

  12. Oh gosh, how scary. I can only imagine what you were going through. A wedding ring might be a material object, but it is also a sentimental one.

  13. I am not materialist...not by any means. But my rings mean everything to me! They are not the biggest, but my Man Beast gave them to me and they are a symbol of our love.

    I did lose mine once. I found them under the couch when The Man Beast decided to rearrange the living room.

  14. Phew! So glad you found your ring. I can only imagine how terrifying that would be!

  15. Lovie...How scary this must have been! I'm so glad you found it. However, it is such a good reminder that things of this earth are temporal and we can't take anything with us! Love you to pieces!

  16. I am loving your layout! So cheerful!
    Congrats on the award!

    I am glad you found you ring. My mum lost this braelet my dad gave her when skiing the other week, she is still sad.

  17. I've come close to the SAME THING, crazy stuff... so glad you found it! And thanks for the tag:) Going to try to that tomorrow...
    Already looked at which picture it would be..WOW! It's good one:)

  18. I am sooo glad you found them!! Wedding rings are soo incredibly special and I completely understand! :)

  19. Oh goodness! I'm so glad you saw it go down the drain, and was able to retrieve it! I had that happen too, and was lucky enough to get it back also.

  20. Oh, girl!! I am so glad that you found it! I hate that feeling, especially with some thing so important. I am glad it all worked out and I hope your dinner was fabulous!! Coming to Houston any time soon?

  21. Ah! I totally know what you mean!! I hate it when this happens! Although, I have yet to pray about something and not find it! :)

  22. So glad you found your rings! That must have been the worst feeling. My rings mean so much to me and are very sentimental, so I completely understand.

    Congrats on the award and hope you're having a nice day!

  23. I'm glad that you got your ring safe and sound! Thanks for the tag and the advice :) Congrats on the award!

  24. I'm so happy you got your ring back! My husband picked mine out all by himself! I know how special that is...I still haven't taken my ring off after only 5 years of happily, blissful, marriage!! Sigh...
    Love the pic! He is sooooo cuuuuuuute!!

  25. OH NO!! I'm so glad you were able to get your ring out of the drain. That's so scary.

  26. I know what you mean about your ring! haha...i worried about my driving for a while because I also would just gaze at it sparkling in the sun with my hands on the steering wheel! ;)

    I was getting so nervous for you as I read this post!!! Poor thing! I would have reacted in the same way...trying to be calm & rational at first, bawling crying, and calling the hubby as fast as possible! Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you rescued it from the drain!
    And, Thank You so much for the award!!! The picture you posted is so stinkin cute! What an adorable nephew!!!

  27. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! So glad you got your ring back. I've knocked my ring into the sink before, but have been able to grab it before it disappears into the black hole...its still makes your heart race! :o)

  28. I was on the edge of my seat as I read your post!
    My heart was actually racing! As I'm writing this is finally slowing down!
    Thank goodness everything turned out alright!

  29. Oh, I would have almost died too. Thank God you were able to find that precious piece of jewelry. I take mine off every night to go to sleep, & sometimes the kids try and play with them. I freak out just a bit. :) Glad you saved your boiling pot and your ring.

  30. this exact same thing happened to me, except i had to take apart the sink & thank God for clogged up drains that day :) &.. when my husband and I were dating, he bought me this beautiful heart shaped necklace, while babysitting one day,it got ripped off my neck by a screaming 2 year old. i never found it, and couldnt tell him, so i ran over to the jewelry store & bought the exact same one, and he never knew. PRAISE GOD :)

  31. SO glad you found it! I am the same and freak out whenever I 'misplace' mine!

  32. Oh my goodness...I too would have been freaked out! Glad you were able to get it out of there! Congrats on the award and super cute blog...I added myself to your followers. :)
