Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Early Weekend Wishes

Hello, friends! Sadly, I really don't have too much time to write and fear this may be my last post until Monday. Work is pretty busy right now and I have Friday off, so I told myself I am going to stay FOCUSED and diligently get everything done on my list. Phew, hope I can do it all in time! I just want to say thank you to all of your sweet comments below and birthday wishes, they really mean a lot! I am eager to tell you about the "magazine fiasco" that I mentioned below and promise I will do so next week! I can't wait to also show you lots of pictures on Monday from the weekend. Is it really only Wednesday? Weekend, please hurry up! I don't want to leave this post empty handed so I'm going to insert an action snapshot that I love. I took this a few months ago when my hubby and I took my niece to the Crayola Factory. My sister wasn't there and when she saw the picture afterwards she nearly had a heart attack! I love her dainty little pose in the air. I hope everyone has an amazing rest of the week AND weekend! Sorry I will be MIA, but I know everyone has weeks like this at times. Blessings to all of you!



  1. Ha! That picture is great!

    You will be missed...but I hope you get everything done that you need to. Can't wait to hear about your weekend!!

  2. What a cute picture!!! I hope you have a great rest of your week!

  3. That is an awesome shot and I am having a heartattack...for your sister. She is flying high

  4. Husby loves doing that to our niece Chloe. My sister hates it as well. haha.

  5. Thank you for the blog award!!! The photo on this post is so cool - you were so lucky to capture it!

  6. Very cute! I hate heights...eekkk!!

  7. LOVE that picture! fun!
