Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Playing some MAJOR catch up, whew!

Happy Tuesday, Loves!

Okay, ready for some picture overload?  I figured the best way to get caught up with everything is to just post away!  So, here it goes…

NYC was FABULOUS!!!  I had such an AMAZING time with my man.

Waiting for our elevator, ready to hit the town!


My STUD muffin.


Outside our apartment!  Oh yes, we had our own Manhattan, three bedroom apartment for the weekend.  SCORE!DSC04199


Our 2 year anny was so amazing, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for three years!  And FIFTY!


Hubby’s Birthday Skydiving Pictures!

I surprised my handsome hubby with a skydiving jump two weekends ago for his birthday.  He had a BLAST!!!  We paid for someone to jump with him, snap pictures and videotape the whole experience.  Here are some of the pictures I promised!

In the plane getting ready to go…


View from the plane.


About to jump…


They did a BACKFLIP out of the plane!  I didn’t even do that!  He’s so brave.  Although I also don’t know that he really had much of a choice…


Freefalling with his tandem partner.


Heeeheeee, I love this.


Parachute is pulled…


Going up and up…


Coming in for their landing…



He’s back, safe and sound! IMG_2332I love you, handsome! 


I recently played along in a scarf swap hosted by the ever-so-lovely, Meredith.  The gist: get paired up, swap scarves, post about it.  I was paired up with Ashley and could not have been more thrilled!  She has become my newest lovie and is a total sweetheart!  She has an adorable little girl named Grace and is expecting little Jacob right now.  Ashley, you are definitely the other pea in my pod.  ;o)

Check out this amazing package I received in the mail.


It was almost too pretty to open!  ALMOST. 

Inside I found this little beauty…


DSC04225How perfect and sassy!  I just loveee scarves. Thank you sooo much, Ashley!!  I have had a blast getting to know you!  I hope you enjoy mine!


Last night hubby and I made Grilled Eggplant Parmigiana Heros and they were DELISH!  I was going to post about them, but I think this is a good time to stop.  I don’t want to lose my audience for good!  You can find the recipe here.  The best part about it was that the sauce we used for the sandwiches tasted like an excellent bruschetta topping.  Two recipes in one, really!



Okay, PHEW, I think that just about does it.  Can’t wait to show pictures of our fall decorations soon.  I’m loving our mantel!

Have an amazing day!



  1. OMGosh you look so pretty! Glad you had such a great anniversary! Sky diving looks like so much fun! I would love to do it someday! Hope your having a great week so far! = )

  2. Looks like a great trip! Ashley sent your scarf so cute! makes me feel bad, I just put mine in tissue paper, haha!

  3. aw, what a super sweet anniversary weekend! your pictures look great!! loooove the outfit choices!! and that sauce?? looks deeeee-licious!!

  4. Happy ann. How fun!! I LOVE your earrings in the first few pics from your ann. Gorgeous!

  5. Wow!! What a fabulous anni!! Love the pics!

  6. Seriously, you look fantastic! Thanks for all the photos! What fun times!

  7. What great pictures...glad you had a great anniversary weekend!!

  8. Wow those skydiving pictures were AWESOME! How fun. Can I just say that you two have got to be the cutest couple on the planet. Adorable pictures of you two. Glad you had an awesome anniversary. Many more!

  9. I love NYC!! The pictures were wonderful...glad you enjoyed yourself! As far as your hubby goes...he's a brave soul! I dont think I could ever do that!

  10. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful anniversary! How the heck did you get your own apartment!?! How fantastic!

    And the skydiving pics are awesome :)

  11. What a fun trip! The skydiving pictures gave me chills. You 2 are much braver than me!!

  12. Thanks for stopping by our blog and for leaving such a sweet comment! I love your blog! Looks you guys had an amazing honeymoon! My husband and I are about to celebrate our 2 month anny. haha We just got married on August 15 so we are still very much Newleyweds! :) I hope you're having a good day! If not, smile because you've got yourself a new follower! :)

  13. Wow! You have been busy! Sounds like it was a fun trip. And I've always both dreamed/had nightmares about skydiving. Hubs would love to do it, I think I'm too chicken. :)

  14. Love the pics Anna- SO ADORABLE! Hope you guys had a blast in NYC and the birthday present looks amazing- those pictures were incredible. :)

  15. i love that scarf and want one just like it!

  16. I am so glad you had such a FAB weekend!
    I'm emailing you back, right now!

  17. Your photos are fantastic. I doubt that you could lose your audience no matter how much you posted. You have us captivated.

    Anyhow, happy two year anniversary. I'm glad you two had a wonderful celebration. My husband and I are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary next month. : )


  18. Looks like you had such a great time in New York City! And thanks for sharing the pictures of your husband skydiving...you guys are brave!! I could never do that!

  19. Wow! I love the pics!!!! The sky diving pics are really amazing!

  20. Oh hey, just loved this post. The pic's are awesome. Wow I'd be too chicken to skydive.

    Looks like you both had a ball.

    The scarf and wrapping are gorgeous, what a sweet girl.

  21. Ahhhh!! What wonderful pics!!!!!!!
    You two are breathless :)

  22. Love all the pictures! What fun birthday and anniversary adventures! I'm participating in a scarf swap myself (just posted about it last night) and I'm SO excited to see what I end up with!

  23. You have been quite the busy lady! Glad you had such a great anniversary. :)

  24. your pictures made me want to go back to new york! my hubby has never been so we might have to do that next year for our anniversary. cute pics! xoxo

  25. Happy Anniversary! Looks like you had an amazing time loved the pics! looking forward to going to check out that recipe. thanks for sharing!

  26. Looks like you had such a great time. Congrats on two years!!

  27. Oh my goodness...you are so pretty! I'm glad that you two had a great time in NYC.

    The pictures of the sky diving were awesome. Although you would never catch me doing that in a million years.

    Happy Anniversary once again!

  28. So fun!! LOVE NYC, glad you had a great time. Love that there was someone to take pictures of your hubby sky diving, great present!!
