Friday, February 12, 2010


Hello, Lovelies!  We are alive and well over here in the frozen tundra.  MAN, all I can say is HOLY SNOW!  I’ve never experienced anything quite like this!  While it was beautiful and exciting, the after math was a little daunting.  But, someone in particular LOVED the whole experience.  Although, at first, I don’t think he knew what to think of it…

Our little cutie.  He looks so pensive and thoughtful.


Take a look at our mailbox right now.  Haha, so crazy!


This kind of weather calls for warm, savory meals.  I asked Hubby last night what he wanted for dinner and told him to request ANYTHING.  I will be gone next week and want him to have satisfying meals before I leave with lots of leftovers to eat while I’m gone.  His request?  Shepherds Pie!  I have never made Shepherds Pie before!  I was up to the challenge and kind of excited about it.  I went online and did a little research and decided to go with Alton Brown’s recipe on the Food Network.  I think Hubby really liked it!  And it was pretty fun to make!  The recipe is here.  And speaking of recipes, the Delicious Diaries, by moi, may be making a debut soon.  It’s a little something I’m cooking up (couldn’t resist).  All things delicious and all recipes that I take absolutely no credit for – which is why I can call them delicious and not be prideful.  :o)

Well, tomorrow morning, bright and early, I am off to LAS VEGAS!  I won’t be back until next Friday, so please excuse my absence from blog-land!  I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend and week.  To all those hopeless romantics, enjoy Heart day on Sunday.  I am sooo excited to see what my Honey-Hubby has planned for us next weekend – I’ll be sure to fill you in on all of the details!  And sweet Hubby, if you are reading this, thank you for being my One and Only.  The cheese to my macaroni.  The mint to my chocolate chip.  The BBQ to my ribs.  The keeper of my heart.  You are my Valentine, forever and always, and I love you to heaven and back and in between – times a bazillion.

Have a great week, ladies!



  1. Have a safe trip & love that pic of your pup! So precious!

  2. Wow that is a ton of snow! Have a safe trip! :)

  3. Wow that is a lot of snow!!

    Have fun in Vegas, hope it's warm for you!!

  4. I can't believe how much snow you guys got! Sounds like you are cooking up some GOOOD recipes! Can't wait to hear more! Btw- my mom and I made your Grandpa's (I'm pretty sure whose recipe that is) granola when she was here helping us move in. Josh LOVES it! Have fun in Vegas- I know you'll miss your honey but how fun that you have plans to celebrate next weekend! :)

  5. You are so sweet and you two are adorable. What a good wife to make anything he requested. Sounds like a fun challenge.
    Have a nice time in Vegas!

  6. Oooooh have a wonderful time in fabulous Las Vegas! I am so very jealous :) Can't wait to hear about it. AND how you and your hubby spend next weekend. Fun stuff!

  7. Tucker is TOO cute! My pup Austin sits by the door and just whines staring out into the snow so he can go play in it. Pups are so fun!! ...until you're tired of the whining, that is. ha ha

  8. Have fun in Vegas and be safe! Happy V-Day! XOXO

  9. WoW!! That is beautiful***

    Great pictures :)

    {{Love}} Vegas..go back in May with us * xoxoox
    have a safe trip friend :)

  10. Oh gosh, we are getting tons of snow here too. Not as much right now as you have, it looks like.

    I have you have a fabulous trip!

  11. I can't believe that pic of your mailbox, holy moly! And we got all excited over 4 inches of snow! Hope you had a very productive and fun week in Las Vegas but I'm sure you simply couldn't wait to get home to your hubby and pup! I do have a question. It's obvious you love to eat and cook/bake but HOW do you maintain that unbelievable figure, you look so fit? Do you work out?
