Wednesday, March 10, 2010

J & J night

It’s Wednesday already?!  This week is flying by so fast!  My time in NY with my ladies was PHENOMENAL! I came back so refreshed and so head-over-heels in love with them, all over again.  I am so excited to share all about it.  Guess who brought her camera WITHOUT her memory card in it?  Yes, that would be me.  So I was able to snap a total of THREE pictures before my camera was “full”.  Thank goodness my sweet girls were there to snap away!  I’m going to wait and post after I receive the rest of our pictures from their cameras.  I do, however, have a memory card with me today that has pictures of….

Julie and Julia night!

YAYYYY!  So excited to share these.  My husband was out of town on business a few weeks ago so I took the opportunity to invite my mom, sister, niece and dad over to wine and dine with me and little Tucker.  We wish my oldest sister and her sweet family could have been there, too.  Move to PA, already!  We cooked up a storm, drank delicious wine, watched Julie and Julia, and had a sleep over.  It was so much fun!

Toasting to the night…


On the menu: Coq au Vin with pearl onions and asparagus.  YUMMM! 

Translation: “rooster in red wine”



Anything with sautéed bacon HAS to taste divine.




Sweet little T in the kitchen


The caramelized pearl onions were HEAVENLY! YUMM!DSC05230 


The infamous fire pictures…



There is a very important part in the recipe that calls for adding bourbon.  Naturally, this would cause a little bit of an explosion, but we weren’t preparing for THIS much of an explosion.  The flames went all the way up to the top cabinets.  My sister and I were DYING; we were rolling on the floor laughing so hard.  My dad didn’t think it was so funny, naturally.  My niece started crying because she didn’t know what was going on.  It was chaos in the kitchen for a few seconds and it was HYSTERICAL.  It happened so fast and then the fire went down, which is why I can deem it funny and not disastrous.  I can’t believe I got a picture of it.  Of course, it wouldn’t have been so funny if the fire spread, but luckily there was NO trace of it – and now I still crack up every time I see these pictures.  When I show them to hubby I think his heart stops a little bit.

My niece and Tucker decided to stay out of the kitchen after the commotion.DSC05226



Back to cooking…  DSC05237DSC05240


TA DA!  Sooo yummy!  Have you made Coq au Vin before?  No?  You must!DSC05245 We used the recipe out of her cookbook, but here is the recipe found online.

We had SUCH a special, fun and memorable evening!  I loveee the blessing that is my family, and the times we get to spend together are so precious to me.  My mom called me this morning and asked if she and my dad could drive up tonight and cook dinner for Hubby and me.  HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!  I love them SO so SO much. 

Hope your Wednesday is going fabulously well!



  1. Sorry about the kitchen fire scare! Your coq au vin looks amazing though :) Love how much you love your family. Aren't they the bestest?! XO I totally need to have a J&J night soon!

  2. What a fun evening. I just love that movie!

  3. Friends, food and wine is seriously the best combination to make a lady happy!!!! (other than the hubs of course. ;) )

  4. what a great idea! AFter i watched that movie i wanted to cook so bad! love the pics

    ps. you asked about my "glow" : ) first thank you! I use revlon skinlights powder (which is discontinued but i order it online) which gives my face that glow. I do occasionaly go tanning, but this summer i am trying out my frist spray tan because i want to stop tanning.

  5. So great to have memories like this with your family!

  6. Fun, fun, fun!! Both your trip to NY and your cooking/wine night. Love it!

  7. WOW! Great fire there! What a wonderful bunch of memories and great laughs you got to share with your sweet family! The food looks divine - makes me really want to be adventurous and attempt to make that dish, yummo. I so enjoy reading your blog - just adorable! And yes, great food, great wine, precious family - couldn't ask for much more!

  8. How fun!!! I would have been terrified for my cabinets, though!

  9. Sweet blog! And love the cooking. :) Yum yum.

  10. I absolutely love this idea for girls' night!

  11. What a great night! Tucker's personality is so apparent in these sweet pictures! I love how he tilts his head to the side and how he looks like he's smiling in the one where your niece has her hand on his head. Oh and he looks blissful with his eyes closed in the kitchen :-) Our golden retriever is gorgeous but he HATES the camera so it's so tough to get good pictures of him. You have yourself a precious little ham there!

  12. Girl, you just made my day by saying you know how to switch URLs! I will seriously be your BFF if you'll tell me how once you have it all figured out haha! I've been so frustrated with the whole process. You can email me at Ber611 at aol dot com if that's easier than going through the blog. Thank you SO much in advance and have a great weekend!! XOXO

  13. OMgoodness...that really does look delicious and I can so hear you two laughing about the flames. Great shot of them. Love that you did this. How fun.

  14. Awww your family seems like you have such a good time together. I love that!!
