Thursday, May 21, 2009

Poo-Pourri & Awe-summm-ness!

Oohhh my, this makes me laugh! Last weekend I was at the NYC Stationery and Gifts show. There was one booth in particular that caught my eye. The whole booth was set up with a fabulous, vintage style. I soon realized that the booth was also set up for only ONE product. I read the name and thought it sounded so odd, almost like it had to be a mistake. May I introduce to you: Poo-Pourri. Maybe you've heard of it! Apparently it's creating quite a buzz and has been featured in several magazines. The woman at the booth gave me a sample and went on to say, "Spritz the bowl before you go and no one else will ever know!" I then read this catchy little poem written on the sample:

There once was a young lad from Rhone
whose odor he'd rather disown
now he's taming his poo
by annointing the loo
and now happily sits on his throne!
I was beside myself with laughter and curiosity! It was claiming to be an actual elliminator of all unpleasant odor rooting from unpleasant bathroom experiences, and here's the thing, it's not a spray to be used AFTER, in an attempt to cover up bad odor, but to be used BEFORE your bathroom "adventure".

The Poo-Pourri official website goes on to say that "when you spray Poo-Pourri in the toilet bowl, our proprietary formula creates a film on the surface of toilet water. The film adheres to solid matter as it enters the water, effectively trapping the offending particles inside. Flushing releases additional formula to help neutralize odor the air. Poo-pourri does not have the medicine or bathroom cleanser smell that similar bathroom odor control devices leave behind. Instead, your bathroom is left with the smell of citrus and a hint of your favorite essential oils."

I must say, I have not actually tried my sample! But I am still quite tempted to order a bottle for the bathroom. They are pretty convincing! Have you ever heard of this stuff? If so, does it work?! An inquiring mind wants to know! Too funny.
Now, on to something exciting. I want to say a HUGE thank you to Ms. Quite Contrary and Ms. Heather for giving me this AWE-SUMMM award! I think YOU ladies are awe-summm! So fun, I am loving this. My queenly duties are to list 7 things that make me awe-summm and then nominate 7 other ladies/blogs that are awe-summm. I know I know, but I can't do it. Seriously, only tag 7? Each and every one of you are an encouragement to me, and I find your blogs AWE-SUMMM. Nope, can't tag 7, I tag all of you, because without you, my blog would NOT be awe-summm by any means. I'm allowed to bend the rules a bit, because, well, it does say Queen of ALLLLL things. :o)

SO, without further ado...

1. I've been skydiving THREE times. Pretty much, the most awe-summm thing ever.

2. My husband is awe-summm, which means I'm automatically awe-summm, associated through marriage.

3. I love to eat and I love to cook. I can't say I'm any good at the cooking part (I KNOW I'm good at the eating part), but I love to try.

4. I've mentioned it before on here and I'm mentioning it again: I went to clown school. I think that puts me in the top 5th percentile of awe-summm-ness.

5. I'm the daughter of a King.

6. I went to Penn State, the most awe-summm school in the universe. :o)

7. I am BLESSED beyond belief. And that, is AWE-SUMMMMMM.

I hope everyone had an AMAZING Memorial Weekend! Happy Tuesday!! YAYYY for a short week!


  1. I have tried this stuff!! It's too cute BUT the best way to get rid of stinky stuff is Henry Bendall candles. Oh my gosh they are AH-Mazing!! the lemon and the lavender and the firewood. Drool.

  2. ME TOO! Ah! We were twins separated at birth! Well, you're the better looking blonde twin haha firewood is delish too. I have to pick some candles up when I am back home in Chicago on Monday (my fiancé and I live there, told you we were so similar Miss Chicago pants!)

  3. Yay for your award!!

    And the spray is freaking hilarious!! I wonder if it!!

  4. I haven't heard of this!! But oh my gosh! I want some!!That is great :)
    I love your awwwwssuuummm list! Lol!

  5. I will say that I'm intrigued by the "poo-pourri". It sounds convincing!

    Congrats on the award and I agree that it's awesome you went skydiving and have been to clown school :)

  6. You are awesome for sure and that stuff is hilarious! I truly could use some over here if it know...for the hubs of course. LOL

  7. How funny. Congrats on your award :)

  8. Congrats congrats congrats!!! And that name had me laughing!

  9. found you on pink is my sig. color! your blog is really cute! LOVE the italy pics!!!

  10. That potpourri name is hilarious!! :)

    And skydiving three times? Whoa!

  11. That is so great! Let us know if you end up getting it and if it's any good!

  12. That stuff is too funny!!! oh man!
    Congrats on your award ;) Clown school is by far the aweesum thing ever haha. And sky diving..oh my! I want to but I'm too chicken!

  13. My Co-worker brought it up to work since there are 5 of us in an office with one bathroom. YES! it works. I have now bought 2 more bottle for the house. I LOVE IT!!! Its Wonderful!
