Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 YEARS! 2 YEARS! – Part 1

Ahhh, I am beside myself with excitement and joy right now!!  Today my sweet husband and I are celebrating TWO years of marriage!  I honestly can’t believe it was two years ago today that we embarked on what has become the most phenomenal journey of our lives.  I had anticipated on doing several wedding posts this month, but things haven’t gone exactly as planned lately, the joy of life!  So, I want to invite you to take a trip down memory lane with me today! Please excuse the fact that I am showing you proofs – they are already in albums online and are easier to grab.  ALSO, I have NOT forgotten about updating you on hubby’s birthday and skydiving.  I have a whole entire CD with pictures of him flying through the air!  I am so excited to show you those soon.  For now, though, LOVEEEE IS IN THE AIR!!!  Ha!  I honestly can’t say enough about my precious husband.  I never dreamt I would be blessed with a man that is so giving, patient, unselfish, hardworking, loyal and loving as he is.  I am daily in awe of God’s faithfulness in our marriage, and the love He has provided, for and through us, daily.  Ladies, if you read this and are single, please have faith that God has a plan for you that will exceed your expectations, husband or not.  I thought I knew exactly what I wanted in life and in a husband, and then God COMPLETELY took me by surprise and blessed me with a 6’3” package of pure AMAZING-NESS (and hotness) and a journey far more exciting than my wildest dreams!  Ah, I just LOVE the blessing that is my husband! 

…September 29, 2007…

“My beloved is mine and I am his…” – Song of Solomon 2:16wedding1

 (I blocked out our last names below, the invite didn’t REALLY have those ugly squares, ha!)


wedding3 wedding4




wedding9wedding104 wedding11















  …To be continued!…

PS.I want to thank you SO much for your encouraging and thoughtful comments on my last post.  I am so thankful for your kindness and have truly been blessed by your words.  Thank you!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hello, sweet friends.  I will return next week with tons of pictures and updates from the amazing weekend we had.  This week we are spending our time in Pittsburgh celebrating the life of my husband’s precious grandfather who went home to be with Jesus yesterday morning.  It is so so sad to lose a loved one, but so so sweet to know that his grandfather is in paradise with our awesome Creator and is experiencing NO pain!  Praise God for that!  I feel so blessed that I had the opportunity to have him in my life these past few years.  He loved the Lord with all his heart and was such an inspiration to both my husband and me.  We are celebrating such an amazing and FULL life that he had!

Tomorrow is also my husband’s birthday! This week really is a celebration of sorts.  I am so excited to celebrate the birth of my precious hubby.  I can’t wait to post pictures next week from his birthday festivities this past weekend – his surprise skydiving trip was a HUGE success!  He was THRILLED, and we have so many incredible pictures from the experience.  This Friday we are also leaving for State College for our annual Penn State reunion and I am SO EXCITED!  We have so much going on and so much to be thankful for right now.  Oh, and did I mention that NEXT weekend we are going to NYC to celebrate our two year anniversary (wedding posts to come!)?  I am in awe of how many blessings are around me daily, even in the midst of a situation where we are grieving.  God really is so good.  I pray this post finds you all in the midst of a week full of love and blessings! 

Before I go, I want to give a special shout out to the love of my life, the birthday boy.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABYKINS!!!!!!!!!!!  I am SO grateful that God brought you into this world and that He handpicked me to be your wife.  I get giddy every time I think about it.  You are amazing and I LOVE YOU. 


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Freeeeeeee Falling

Ahhh, today is perfect!  The weather is so cozy, my latte is scrumptious, I’m up to speed on all of my work projects – AND – this weekend kicks off the beginning of several fabulous festivities!  Before I divulge into further details about this weekend, I have to speak of this past weekend - my hubby ROCKED it on Sunday!  He finished his half marathon like a rock star and is so excited for the next steps in training for his triathlon.  I couldn’t be prouder of him!


And as if the day couldn’t get any better, guess who we bumped into…


A week from this Friday we are going up for our annual PSU football weekend and I am THRILLED!!!!  Oh man, I wait for this all year.  Just being back at our old stomping grounds, with all of our friends, is sooo special.  Hubby and I met at Penn State and fell in love there – so PSU is special all on its own for that reason, but it’s also special because, let’s be honest, it’s pretty much the greatest school on the planet (ahem, not biased at all).  SO EXCITED!

BUT, first things first – I am so excited for THIS weekend!  Hubby’s birthday is a week from today, and this weekend we’re kicking off the festivities. The best part is that he has NO idea (don’t worry, he knows when it’s almost birthday time that he can’t read my little blog).  My adorable niece has a birthday two days before hubby and her birthday party is this Sunday – a complete fairy princess party, too cute.  Hubby thinks her party is on Saturday morning and is all set for a weekend devoted to the little fairy princess.  We’ll wake up Saturday morning and head off “to her party”, but we’ll actually completely bypass the area and head straight to a special place where he will be surprised with this…


Hubby’s going skydiving!  I have had the awesome blessing and opportunity to go skydiving, not just once, but three times.  It’s VERY addicting.  Hubby has never been and I know once we have a family his desire to skydive will dwindle quite a bit (I think it has something to do with the fact that you willingly jump out of a plane, ha!).  This weekend, it’s hubby’s turn! He is going to be so excited, I can’t wait!  I’m getting the whole thing videotaped and on camera, so I will definitely come back with lots of pictures. Afterwards he has a surprise birthday dinner and several birthday shenanigans.  Then on Sunday we will be attending a very special fairy princess party.  It’s going to be a great weekend!  I’ll be back with tons of pics.  In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your week!  Oh, and please excuse the once-weekly updated blog these days.  Whew, such a busy bee!


skydiving photo courtesy of zagrebstag online

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Five Faves

Wow, is it really already Thursday?!  My goodness this week has flown!  I don’t work on Fridays as it is, so by having Monday off and tomorrow off, I think I have officially had one of the shortest work weeks EVER.  No complaining here!  How was your Labor Day weekend?  Ours was FULL and FABULOUS.  Work is pretty busy this week (gee, five days of work packed into three, I wonder why!), and our nights have been even busier so it leaves a less than desirable amount of time to post regularly.  I’m not complaining though, I love a busy lifestyle!  It’s nice to be kept on my toes.  First of all, I have to say that your comments on the post below were AWESOME; you recommended some pretty amazing candles and scents that I can’t wait to try.  If you are in the market for a new candle, I would highly recommend checking out the previous post and reading everyone’s comments.  SO FUN!  Now, let’s talk about more ‘faves’.  Besides candles, here are a few other favorites of mine for this lovely time of year. 

1.  Chanel’s Kaleidoscope nail polish.  I’m actually going to the nail salon tomorrow to sport this beauty!


2.  Sassy rain boots – I bought these green Burberry ones a few years ago to wear in the spring, but they are super cute with black leggings and a cream scarf.  LOVE the green.  Aren’t rain boots the best?!  Fun and practical at the same time.


3.  Lip gloss – Okay, quite honestly, my lips are NEVER without lip gloss regardless of the season, but I feel the fall and winter months are even more crucial.  (1) I am paler than I am in the summer, of course, and having that extra hue of color on my lips is so helpful in detracting from my lack of glow.  Oh, which, by the way, bronzer should probably be #1 on this list, but perhaps a post dedicated entirely to a necessity like bronzer would be more appropriate.  (2)  I want to keep these puckers hydrated!  Chapped lips are certainly not on my list of faves and I know my hubby appreciates this.

MAC – Local Colour and Viva Glam



Nars – Pillow Talk (not the color shown)


And Juicy tubes are always appearing at the bottom of my purse.


4.  Homemade gingerbread – I grew up in TX where cold weather is pretty non existent for the majority of the year.  Every year, on the first day the weather provided the slightest little nod towards fall, my mom would greet me after school with a pan of homemade gingerbread.  The smell still floods my heart with memories.  (Yes, trying to concoct a gluten free version – a little nervous; I’ll let you know how it goes!)


5. You’ve Got Mail – This movie gets me so excited for this time of year.  I love the scene where Tom Hanks and the kiddos partake in the fall festival and walk around the golden hued streets of NYC.  Oh, and I absolutely adore her little shop.  AND, I love watching everyone sip their coffee and say things like,  “…a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils”.  Le Sigh.  Perf.

you've got mail

Okay, these are not officially part of my list, but are definitely a love interest. The following earrings from Anthropologie are currently NOT in my possession, and MAY or MAY NOT be in route to my house. I’m just saying…

butterfly earrings


What do you get excited to wear, eat or watch around this time of year?

Have a WONDERFUL rest of your week and weekend!

Hubby is training for a triathlon and part of his training includes a half marathon this weekend.  I am SO excited to watch him and am SO proud of him!!  I will definitely bring the camera.


Thursday, September 3, 2009


It’s almost here!  September is officially here and fall is more than just around the corner, it’s pretty much at the front door just waiting to grace us with its presence!  I have officially brought out my favorite candles for this time of year and I must say, my heart is overwhelmed with happiness every time I inhale these glorious scents.  I think I have said to my husband every night, for the past three nights, that I am just head over heels in love, and on cloud nine, that fall is pretty much here.  Even the wind seems to have a skip in its step; the weather has been beautiful!  I’m excited to share two of my must-haves in the scent department for this season.  I can’t wait to come back next week and start sharing several other things that this time of year signifies to me and the little details that make my heart sing.  Have an AMAZING Labor day weekend! I have a four day weekend ahead of me that starts tonight, and I couldn’t be more excited.  Pictures to come!  Now, on to these little pieces of heaven…

firewood5 An all time FAVORITE of mine: Henri Bendel’s Firewood scent.  I love it so much that I’ve already done a post on it here.  I love all of his candles, but mmmm, this one reminds me of a men’s cologne and is just PERFECT for this time of year.  

farmers market

Yankee Candle’s Farmers Market scent.  It’s subtle and has the perfect combination of spices and fruits.  Mmmmm, more yummy-ness.

What are some of your must-have candle “flavors” for fall?  I would love ideas on what to add to my collection!


PS. I can’t end this post without giving a special shout out to my Nittany Lions. First football game of the season is this Saturday!!!!  SOOOOOO EXCITED!